Stress Tip #218: End of the Line

After 18 years of uninterrupted Stress Tips, this is a good time for me to take a break. I’d like to leave you with a few key points. First, identify your fundamental values. For example, two of my values are harming no one in any way in speech and action and supporting what helps everyone be their best. In my daily meditation I wish goodwill and compassion for all beings. Second, practice mindfulness – intentional awareness – as a way of recognizing that we are constantly making choices and our choices have consequences. I could go on and on, but in the spirit of keeping Stress Tips brief, my third key point would be to listen, really listen with the intent of trying to understand. Everyone has needs that they feel must be met. Rather than waiting to make your point, listen for the needs that guide each person’s actions.

Thank you for reading the monthly Tips and for sharing in our explorations of life. I wish you safety, clarity, and peace.



Copyright 2020 Pathfinders Coaching. You are permitted to use material from Stress Tips in whole or in part, as long as you include complete attribution, including web site. Please notify us in advance where the material will appear. I welcome your comments. If you wish to contact me in private, send an email to info@pathfinderscoaching.com. Thank you.


The Book and Coaching

With the exception of the occasional coaching session, we’re happily retired and suggest that you contact the Program on Integrative Medicine at UNC (UNC website) and Mindful UNC (http://mindfulunc.web.unc.edu/) for excellent mindfulness-based workshops and programs throughout the year. Our book Ease into Freedom: Keys to Reducing Stress and Unlocking Your Potential is still accessible directly from us for $10; we pay the postage. With the continued presence of the pandemic, please take precautions to stay safe and healthy. We still enjoy hearing from you.